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Assisted Living for Disabled Adults

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Assisted Living for disabled adults

Assisted living is a great option for disabled adults who cannot live in the home they grew up in, but still need some assistance with daily tasks.

Assisted living communities provide 24-hour security and monitoring, which helps ensure the safety of all residents.

Staff members are specially trained to deal with sensitive cases like dementia or dementia-like symptoms, which makes them especially compassionate toward their clients’ needs.

Assisted living isn’t just for elderly people. Disabled adults, especially those with severe disabilities and conditions that require round-the-clock care, may also benefit from this option.

There are many types of disabilities: physical, cognitive and emotional ones; some people can live in assisted living until they die; some need it for a short time; others need it for the rest of their lives.

Assisted Living provides a variety of services to help disabled adults:


Assisted living residences are required by law to have commercial kitchens. These kitchens are used for the preparation of meals and snacks for residents, guests and visitors that visit the residence.

The commercial kitchens must also be inspected regularly by the health department so they can determine how well they are being cleaned or maintained properly.


Assisted living communities provide 24-hour security and monitoring. Security cameras, alarms, and staff trained to respond to emergencies are all standard features in many assisted living communities.

Staff members are also trained in CPR and first aid, as well as the specific needs of residents. They are expected to receive continuous training to keep up with new developments in the field and stay up-to-date on how best to care for your loved one.

Staff members at assisted living facilities are compassionate and caring individuals who want nothing more than to help their clients succeed on a daily basis, even if it means making small changes that may seem insignificant at first glance.


Assisted living communities offer a variety of transportation options for their residents eg. doctor appointments, shopping and more.

This can include driving themselves or having a third party pick them up and drop them off at the destination of their choice. The most common ways that assisted living communities are able to provide these services are:

Self-driving cars that can carry up to seven people at once (or just one if it’s an electric car). Ride sharing apps like Uber or Lyft which allow people with disabilities access some form of transportation without relying solely on family members.

Ride sharing services like LiftTransit which allow users with disabilities access certain neighborhoods where public transit is unavailable due to physical limitations such as aging legs.

Paratransit vans that take passengers door-to-door within certain zones within cities where public transit isn’t available

Assisted living communities provide a full calendar of activities, classes and outings. Activities can include crafts, exercise, music and theater production or other arts and crafts; gardening; cooking classes; games like bingo or checkers; even dancing lessons. 

Assisted living is an affordable alternative to home care or nursing homes for disabled adults. Costs can be less than nursing homes, which makes it an attractive option for people who don’t want to leave their families but still need assistance with daily tasks like bathing and getting dressed.

Many seniors who have disabilities can benefit from the extra support offered by assisted living facilities. To learn more about the options available to you, be sure to schedule a Free meeting with us at Reliable Oaks. We’ll be more than happy to help.